2024-12-22 04:08

Changes to the Trading Schedule Due to the 2024 US Daylight Saving Time

Changes to the Trading Schedule Due to the 2024 US Daylight Saving Time Changes to the Trading Schedule Due to the 2024 US Daylight Saving Time

Dear Trendo Users,

We would like to inform you that due to the US entering Daylight Saving Time on Sunday, November 3, 2024, there will be changes to the trading schedule for many symbols.

These changes will affect the opening and closing times of symbols including the Forex market (all currency pairs), precious metals, related stock indices, the energy market, and US stock market symbols on Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday.

The detailed trading hours for these products are provided below. In general, the trading hours for related symbols will move forward by one hour, and the opening and closing times for the symbols throughout the week will be as per the table below.

Note: The stated times are based on GMT.

Forex and Cryptocurrency Market:

Symbol Closing Time on Saturday (Nov 2) Opening Time on Monday (Nov 4) Closing Time on Tuesday (Nov 5)
All Forex Currency Pairs Closes at 9:00 PM Opens at 10:00 PM No Closure
All Cryptocurrencies No Change No Change No Change

Precious Metals Market

Symbol Closing Time on Saturday (Nov 2) Opening Time on Monday (Nov 4) Closing Time on Tuesday (Nov 5)
GOLD Closes at 9:00 PM Opens at 11:00 PM Closes at 10:00 PM
SILVER Closes at 9:00 PM Opens at 11:00 PM Closes at 10:00 PM
PALLADIUM Closes at 9:00 PM Opens at 11:00 PM Closes at 10:00 PM
PLATINUM Closes at 9:00 PM Opens at 11:00 PM Closes at 10:00 PM

Energy Market

Symbol Saturday, Nov 2 Closing (GMT) Monday, Nov 4 Opening (GMT) Tuesday, Nov 5 Closing (GMT)
CRUDE OIL 21:00 23:30 22:30
BRENT OIL 21:00 23:30 22:30
NATURAL GAS 21:00 23:30 22:30

Stock Indices

Symbol Closes on Saturday, Nov 2 (GMT) Opens on Monday, Nov 4 (GMT) Closes on Tuesday, Nov 5 (GMT)
DOW JONES 21:30 23:30 22:30
S&P 500 21:30 23:30 22:30
DAX 40 21:30 23:30 22:30
NASDAQ 21:30 23:30 22:30
FTSE 100 21:30 23:30 22:30
JAPAN 225 - - -
FRANCE 40 21:30 23:30 22:30
EURO STOXX 5 21:30 23:30 22:30
ASX 200 21:30 23:30 22:30

Stock Market

Symbol Closes on Tuesday, Nov 5 (GMT) Opens on Monday, Nov 4 (GMT) Closes on Friday, Nov 1 (GMT)
APPLE 21:00 14:30 20:00
bac 21:00 14:30 20:00
Walt disney 21:00 14:30 20:00
pg 21:00 14:30 20:00
jnj 21:00 14:30 20:00
amzn 21:00 14:30 20:00
v 21:00 14:30 20:00
nvda 21:00 14:30 20:00
wmt 21:00 14:30 20:00
pypl 21:00 14:30 20:00
jpm 21:00 14:30 20:00
msft 21:00 14:30 20:00
TESLA 21:00 14:30 20:00
goog 21:00 14:30 20:00
Mastercard 21:00 14:30 20:00
UnitedHealth 21:00 14:30 20:00
Home Depot 21:00 14:30 20:00

Respectfully, Trendo Broker.

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