Opening a PAMM Account;
A profitable collaboration between investors and professional traders.

In a PAMM account, investors will be connected to the account of a successful trader under specific and agreed-upon conditions. In a PAMM account, transactions will be exactly copied and executed in the investors’ accounts, and investors will pay a certain and agreed-upon percentage of the positive outcome of transactions over a specific time period to the trader’s account as a commission.


PAMM Accounts at Trendo Broker

Trendo Broker provides a secure platform for collaboration between investors and traders in PAMM (Percentage Allocation Management Module) trading accounts. Additionally, Trendo Broker has created a space for communication between account managers and investors, allowing investors to choose a professional account manager by examining trading accounts.

Traders and investors must be careful in selecting a broker for copy trading accounts, as any issues with the broker’s infrastructure can lead to losses for both parties. The most common problem with brokers in providing copy trading services is the low speed of transaction execution, as any delay in executing trades will be detrimental to investors.

Trendo Broker, to address this issue, has made significant investments in this area, providing the best infrastructure and equipment for traders, allowing them to use the copy trading system without delay and under the best conditions. Therefore, traders and investors can use the Trendo copy trading platform without worry and enjoy the unique pleasure of collaboration in trading.

High Speed and Precision
In Trendo’s PAMM accounts, transactions are copied and applied to investors’ accounts with utmost precision, highest speed, and security.
Exclusive Professional Platform
Trendo’s PAMM accounts are offered on one of the most professional and up-to-date trading platforms in the world for account managers and investors.
Control and Monitoring
In Trendo’s copy trading system, investors have full control and monitoring over their accounts and can withdraw their profits or stop the collaboration whenever they want.

Opening a PAMM Trading Account for Investors

Investors can carefully review the trading performance of PAMM account traders and select one or more account managers for their capital to benefit from this ideal profit-making opportunity.

Register in the Trendo application and charge your personal account.

From the Signal section, review and compare PAMM accounts.

Choose a suitable PAMM account and start investing.

Opening a PAMM Trading Account for Traders (Account Managers)

Professional traders can demonstrate their trading skills and attract capital on the Trendo platform by showing suitable returns. By managing investors’ PAMM accounts, they can increase their income. In fact, Trendo’s copy trading system provides a suitable and professional environment for professional traders to attract investment.

Download the Trendo trading platform, register with the broker, and verify your identity.

Open a PAMM account and deposit your capital into your account.

Set the terms of cooperation in the PAMM account and start trading.

Download the Trendo Broker trading platform and enter a world of profit-making opportunities in the international financial markets.

Trendo, your trusted broker.