Economic calendar analysis

Our Calendar of economic events helps traders keep track of important financial announcements that may affect underlying economies and create price movements. All traders pay close attention to global events because economic calendars are key and basic tools for them.

How does it work?

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    S&P/CS Composite-20 HPI y/y - US Dollar (USD)

    Common effect: If the published number is higher than the forecast at the release time, it will positively affect the related currency. ▶️This data is published monthly. ▶️This index is one of the most important and leading indicators showing the housing industry's health. Because the increase in housing prices attracts many investors and stimulates the industry's activity, it can be important for traders.

    The news importance level:High
    Tuesday 29 Aug 14:00
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    *Effet commun* : Au moment de la publication, si le nombre publié est plus élevé que prévu, cela a un effet positif sur la devise dollar. ◀️Ces données sont publiées mensuellement. ◀️On peut dire que ces données sont un indicateur important et principal dans le secteur de la production. L'augmentation des commandes d'achat montre que les producteurs essaient sérieusement fournir des produits durables, par conséquent c'est important pour les traders.

    The news importance level:Medium
    Thursday 24 Aug 13:30
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    *Effet commun* : Au moment de la publication, si le nombre publié est inférieur aux prévisions, cela a un effet positif sur la devise dollar. ◀️Ces données sont publiées chaque semaine. Cet événement représente le nombre de personnes qui ont demandé une assurance chômage pour la première fois au cours de la semaine dernière. ◀️ Depuis que le nombre de chômeurs est un signal important de la santé générale de l'économie et que les dépenses de consommation sont beaucoup attachée aux conditions du marché du travail, le taux de chômage est également important pour ceux qui ordonnent la politique monétaire du pays. Cela peut être important pour les traders.

    The news importance level:High
    Thursday 24 Aug 13:30
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    Common effect: If the published number is higher than the forecast at the release time, it will positively affect the Dollar currency. This data is published monthly. We can say that this data is a main indicator in the production sector. The increase in purchase orders shows that manufacturers are serious about providing durable goods, so it is significant for traders.

    The news importance level:Medium
    Thursday 24 Aug 13:30
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    Common effect: If the published number is lower than the forecast at the release time, it will positively affect the Dollar currency. This data is published weekly. This event represents the number of people who applied for unemployment insurance for the first time in the past week. Since the number of unemployed people is an important signal of the economy's overall health, and consumer spending is closely related to labor market conditions, the unemployment rate is significant for those planning the country's monetary policy. Hence, it can be important for traders.

    The news importance level:High
    Thursday 24 Aug 13:30
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    Common effect: If the published number is lower than the forecast at the release time, it will positively affect the Dollar currency. This data is published weekly. This event represents the number of people who applied for unemployment insurance for the first time in the past week. Since the number of unemployed people is an important signal of the economy's overall health, and consumer spending is closely related to labor market conditions, the unemployment rate is significant for those planning the country's monetary policy. Hence, it can be important for traders.

    The news importance level:High
    Thursday 24 Aug 12:06
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    Common effect: If the published number is higher than the forecast at the release time, it will positively affect the Dollar currency. This data is published monthly. If the data is higher than 0, it implies an improvement in economic conditions. But if it is lower than 0, it indicates the deterioration of economic conditions. Therefore, it can be of considerable importance.

    The news importance level:Medium
    Tuesday 22 Aug 15:00
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    Common effect: If the published number is higher than the forecast at the release time, it will positively affect the Dollar currency. This data is published monthly. This data is one of the most important indicators that show the economy's health because real estate sales can greatly impact the economy. Therefore, this indicator can be important for traders.

    The news importance level:Medium
    Tuesday 22 Aug 15:00
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    التأثير الشائع : في وقت النشر ، إذا كان الرقم المنشور أعلى من المتوقع ، يكون له تأثير إيجابي على عملة الدولار. ◀️ يتم نشر هذه البيانات شهريا. ◀️ يمكن القول أن هذه البيانات هي مؤشر مهم لإظهار صحة الاقتصاد الأمريكي بطريقة تجعل الشركات تتفاعل بسرعة مع ظروف السوق و يكون لمديري المشتريات لهذه الشركات الموقف الأحدث و الأكثر صلة بالاقتصاد ، لذلك يمكن أن تكون مهمة للمتداولين!

    The news importance level:High
    Wednesday 23 Aug 13:30
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    تاثیر رایج:در زمان انتشار اگرعدد منتشر شده ازپیش بینی بیشتر باشد، اثرمثبت روی ارز دلار دارد. ◀️این داده به صورت ماهیانه منتشر میشود. ◀️یک شاخص مهم برای نشان دادن میزان سلامت اقتصاد کشور آمریکا است زیرا فروش یک خانه باعث ایجاد یک اثر موجی گسترده و زنجیر وار در تمامی قسمت های اقتصاد می شود، بنابر این این داده میتواند برای معامله گران از اهمیت بالایی برخوردار باشد.

    The news importance level:Medium
    Wednesday 23 Aug 15:00